The tricky part about a blog like this is that I am writing about gifts and gifts are usually kept secret until they are given. Up until now this has been fairly easy to manage; I take pictures and then blog about the gift after the gift-giving has taken place (up until now half the made-for-you gifts have been for two year old boys; somehow I doubt they are among the my readers).
Now, however, now I'm making gifts for the ladies on my list (six of my favourite ladies have birthdays this summer/September). My original plan called for individual gifts, each different than the other and easy to blog about the day after the party. But after making [something] for one of my sisters, I was so impressed with the simplicity of the pattern and the beauty of the finished product I've changed my plan. Everyone is now getting [something] for her birthday. And I can't very well blog about my sister's [something] without giving it away for all the other ladies. Oh, they'll figure it out eventually but I want to keep the surprise going for as long as I can.
Wait 'til the end of September then, when the sixth birthday has finally passed, to blog about this gift-making spree? Certainly, I will post photos of the [somethings], all finished and lovely come September 27th. But until then...suffice it to say there will be pleats. Many, many pleats (as I like a bit more symmetry than the pattern calls for).
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