Today, I hauled out my sewing machine's instruction manual and used the little lint brush and screw driver and a Q-Tip dipped in WD40 to clean the machine.
I took the family sewing machine with me when I left home 14 years ago. This particular machine had been purchased six years prior to that, when we moved from Back East to the West Coast.
That makes it a 20 year old sewing machine. And today's cleaning was the first time I have ever thouroughly cleaned it inside.
I am five stitches into my next project and I can already hear and feel the difference a good cleaning has made.
I have my mother's sewing machine with me (also a major move from 'Back East' to the West Coast) & this beast is almost 40 years old! I found a can of compressed air works wonders too, especially after I went through my big fleece sock sewing spree. I really should haul it out again & start working on the pile of clothes that need repairing...
Posted by: Michelle | August 9, 2012 at 08:22 AM